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Deception Technology


Stealth Moving Target Defence

Advanced Information Protection Solution to Prevent Hacking and Information Leakage

  • 01

    Network defense that takes both a proactive and
    reactive approach to network security,
    rather than passive and defensive


    Moving Target Defense (MTD) strategy is a core concept of proactive defense technology, which acknowledges that in today's security environment, the targets for attack or defense must actively mutate themselves to thwart attackers from achieving their objectives.

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  • 02

    Paradigm shift

    Paradigm shift

    Multiple cybersecurity layers are optimized to defend against known threats, but are highly vulnerable to unknown threats and attacks. This requires new strategies and paradigms to respond to new threats.

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  • 03

    Proactive defense and zero trust

    Proactive defense and zero trust

    Stealth MTD (SMDT) provided by Stealth Solution splits and reduces the network surface of protected assets, and changes the network surface connected every second at a minimum. By making it impossible for attackers to predict IP addresses that change every second, SMDT implements a perfect attacker deception technique.

    It also provides zero-trust security by requiring attackers to be authenticated and authorized for surface tracking each time they access a constantly changing network surface.

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Expected benefits of SMTD

Stealth Solution opens a new era of
security with its unique solution

Explore Stealth Solution services
Establish a perfect response system to network threats

Through active security technologies that complement the current cybersecurity technologies optimized for known attacks, Stealth Solution can effectively respond to network security threats.

It also provides zero-trust security by requiring attackers to be authenticated and authorized for surface tracking each time they access a constantly changing network surface.

Zero trust security based on
pre-authenticated access

We provide practical zero-trust security based on pre-authenticated access, allowing system access only to hosts that have proven their reliability by granting access rights to users and devices.

Reduce your cybersecurity budget

Through the lightweight security layers (DDoS blocking, automatic packet filtering, and access control) provided by our proactive network defense technology, we can significantly reduce the burden of your cybersecurity budget, and dramatically increase operational efficiency in response to new threats.


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